Mainspring Schools COVID-19 Risk Assessment Dashboard
For everyone in the Mainspring community, we want to reopen as soon as possible. Safety is crucial, though, and the state of COVID-19 in Austin will dictate when we open our doors.
To that end, we are monitoring two key dashboards by public health experts to determine when to reopen. When both indicate an acceptable level of risk, and we are comfortable with any new information that has come out, we will consider opening Mainspring.
We will update this dashboard weekly, at minimum, and encourage you to check back regularly.
Last updated: August 24, 2020
Metric 1: COVID-19 Risk Based Guidelines for Austin-Travis County
Source: City of Austin (see trend data here)
Goal: Stage 3
Current: Stage 4
Goal met?: No
Metric 2: Cases per 100,000 people (7-Day Moving Average) in Travis County
Source: Harvard Global Health Institute
Goal: Orange, yellow or green (in Travis County)
Current: Orange (last Red on July 24)
Goal met?: Yes
Status: Mainspring will open on Tuesday, September 8, 2020.
The goal for Metric 1 has not been reached as of August 24, but the key indicator (hospitalizations) has been in the goal range since July 31, so we have made the decision to reopen Mainspring.
Reopening will be considered when both metrics have reached their goals, at which point we will make an immediate announcement to the Mainspring community. Please expect Mainspring to open approximately 2 weeks after an announcement.
Thanks for your patience and understanding as we prioritize the health and safety of everyone during this unprecedented situation.
Stay safe, social distance, wear facemasks and let us know how we can help!