Mainspring Schools welcomes Hope Bell as Director of Education.
Hope Bell, our new Director of Education
Mainspring Schools welcomes Hope Bell as Director of Education.
About Hope Bell: Born and raised in central Mississippi, Hope graduated from Mississippi State University in 2017 with a Bachelor of Science in Educational Psychology with an emphasis on child and family studies. While working in childcare after graduating, she was struck by how kids’ challenging behavior was often viewed as the child’s or parents’ problem to solve. At times she was at a loss for what she should do differently when typical behavior modification strategies didn’t seem to benefit some children.
In 2018, she moved to Austin to complete a year of AmeriCorps service as an Early Literacy Coach with the Literacy Coalition of Central Texas. Hope was placed at Mainspring to complete targeted literacy interventions with small groups of preschoolers. Coming to Mainspring changed the trajectory of her career as she learned about trauma-informed early childhood education from the incredible teachers and staff.
When her AmeriCorps term ended, she felt such a deep connection to the school and wanted to learn more. She began working in the Songbirds room as an assistant teacher and eventually became the lead. After working in the classroom at Mainspring for a little over four years, she had a deeper understanding of the importance of supporting and empowering teachers.
Coming back to Mainspring feels like coming back home, and Hope is so excited to be part of the magic happening at Mainspring.